Importance of family support for paralysis patient
Importance of family support for paralysis patient is incredible. Family is the noblest institution in the world. We believe that a psychosomatic disorder like stroke causes physical impairment and mental disturbance. That exaggerates the emotion of the patient. You may not agree with us. But people at Astang Ayurveda agree with the paralysis patient who has become over sentimental after the stroke. We have observed the psychology of the patient and come to the following inference. It helps a quick recovery.
What is its sign and symptoms?
What is the specialized ayurvedic treatment for CVA/Paralys Management?
What is the importance of Family support for a Paralysis Patient?
Most of the time people come to us with a stroke paralysis patient and request us for an integrated package of service that includes boarding, fooding, nursing, treatment and above all accompanying person for the patient. In return they would pay whatever we charge but not their presence. They do have money but no time for the poor patient.
We have observed quick recovery is a regular feature in paralysis patient accompanied by family members. Family support matters a lot to the patient. All the family members should remain close to the patient. The patient should not be allowed to feel the absence. Immense affection nourishes the patient. Family member should not forget to feed the medicines themselves. The patient should be kept free from all family disturbances and all thick and thin. Blood pressure should regularly be checked up.
Written By: Dr A P Nayak
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