Tennis elbow exercise should start only after the inflammation subsides. We must understand that the tennis elbow pain starts due to repetitive use of hand and wrist in a particular way. So strenuous tennis elbow exercise will cause more harm. That is why tennis elbow physiotherapy should be very gradual and gentle.

To start with the exercise, we must rest our hand on a platform like table or our own thigh. We must urge light pressure to conduct the exercise. Secondarily we should take light weight to start a weight exercise. When we gain some strength, we should go for free hand exercise.

Tennis Elbow Exercise


Poor grip strength is a common feature in tennis elbow. To improve the grip power we have to strengthen the long flexor tendons in the forearm.

For that we need a towel or a sponge ball and a table top.

  1. Sit near the table.
  2. Put your forearm extended over the table.
  3. Hold a towel or a sponge ball in your grip.
  4. Start squeezing the ball gently.
  5. Squeeze and hold for 10 seconds and then release.
  6. Repeat the process for ten times.


The large supinator muscle in the forearm is responsible for turning the palm up. It is involved in some movements those cause tennis elbow. Initially isometric exercise supination exercise is recommended without taking any weight in hand. We should keep our elbow fixed on our thigh and rotate our palm up and hold for about 30 to 40 seconds. After some set of exercise, we can repeat the practice adding weight.

For that we need a dumbbell of 1 pound or a small bottle filled with 500 gm sand.

  1. Let us sit on a chair of low height fixing our elbow on the thigh. Hold the bottle vertically in hand.
  2. Let us turn our palm up by taking the help of out swing of the weight of the bottle.
  3. Let us rotate our hand in the reverse direction until the palm is facing down.
  4. This tennis elbow physiotherapy should be repeated 20 times.
  5. The exercise should be isolated to fore arm only. We can achieve that and keep the arm steel by fixing the elbow on the thigh.

Tennis elbow takes place due to frequent and lingering backward bending of wrist. This backward bending is performed by wrist extensor group of muscles. This group of muscles connects into the elbow. Out of overuse they come in need of tennis elbow physiotherapy.

For that we need a 2 pound dumbbell or a bottle filled with 1 kg sand.

  1. Let us sit on a low height stool fixing the elbow on the thigh. Hold the sand filled bottle in hand keeping the palm facing down.
  2. Let us lift the bottle by bending the wrist towards our face. Care should be taken to avoid overburden over the wrist.
  3. Return to the starting position.
  4. The exercise should be isolated to the wrist only keeping the rest of the arm still.
  5. It should be repeated for 10 times.

There are certain muscles called wrist flexors which work opposite to wrist extensor. This group of muscles also gets a sore out of overuse and requires tennis elbow exercise.

For that we need a 2 pound dumbbell or a bottle filled with 1 kg sand.

  1. Let us sit on a low height stool fixing the elbow on the thigh. Hold the sand filled bottle in hand keeping the palm facing up.
  2. Let us lift the bottle by bending the wrist towards our face. Care should be taken to avoid overburden over the wrist.
  3. Return to the starting position.
  4. The exercise should be isolated to the wrist only keeping the rest of the arm still.
  5. It should be repeated for 10 times.


After we gain some strength in the wrist extensors and wrist flexors muscles, we should try to practice some harder tennis elbow physical therapy.

For that we need a towel.

  1. Let us sit on a chair keeping the shoulder relaxed.
  2. We may hold the towel with both hands.
  3. We may start twisting the towel in opposite direction. Then we can repeat the procedure in the reverse direction.
  4. This procedure can be repeated for 20 times.

This tennis elbow exercise is quite helpful. But it should be started after consulting a doctor. At the initial stage of tennis elbow physical therapy, there may be pain. But this is expected. Exercise can be started under the supervision of a technical person.

Written by: Dr Ambika Prasad Nayak


For tennis elbow treatment please contact Astang Ayurveda in 9437055021.

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