Psoriasis – Psoriasis Causes

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After Treatment
A case of Postulated psoriasis, managed at Astang Ayurveda with Ayurveda Pancha Karma Treatment
Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disease.Scaling, itching, red/white elevated patches and arthritis (psoriatic arthritis) causing limbs deformity are the physical signs and symptoms. Inconsistent mind, loss of confidence are some of the many psychological symptoms. The disesase is of different types, like plaque, guttate, plantar and palmar, erythrodermic, pustulated, scalp, inverse and nail psoriasis. Accordingly signs and symptoms are also different. Patchy Scaling, dusting, fissure in plantar area and palmar area are observed. Dandruff like scales are seen over scalp. The Tibial part of the lower leg, front or back side of knee or elbow joint are affected. Umblicus, internal ear, gropin area are also affected. The nail bed is detached or pits are observed on nail. Psoriasis Causes

What is Psoriasis?
What is the treatment?
What is Diet-Nutrition- life style for skin disease?
Side effects of methotrexate?
Psoriasis Causes
What causes psoriasis?
The Psoriasis Causes can be classified into Physical and Mental causes. The Physical causes include wrong practice of food habit and lifestyle. The mental causes include stress, strain, anxiety, greediness, anger etc.
After all psychological stress, heredity, pollution, dry climate, allergic body, protein malnutrition, wrong food habit and life style and immunity deficiency are the main reasons behind this disease.
What trouble comes before the patient?
• The patient consults dermatologist at the department of dermatology and skin specialist as a first preference.
• Unfortunately the skin doctor prescribes some antibiotics, antihistamine, anti inflammatory drug and steroid medicines used in chemotherapy along with some topical skin ointment.
• This type of skin care does not help in eliminating the reason behind the disease. Rather it tries to suppress the disease make it more and more chronic.
• That helps the disease recur again and again. Repeated recurrence brings up an idea that this disease is not curable.
• The patient is prescribed with Methotrexate a commonly used drug for chemotherapy.
• Side effects of Methotreaxate takes the patient’s life into a lane of darkness. It creates liver dysfunction. Also the patient may come across problems like dyspnoe and many others.
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Written by Dr A P Nayak
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Cause of Psoriasis Disease, Psoriasis Causes and Symptoms
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a non-contagious, chronic skin disease characterized by scaling, red or white elevated patches, itching, and sometimes joint inflammation known as psoriatic arthritis. It affects different parts of the body and can take various forms such as plaque, guttate, scalp, nail, and palmar-plantar psoriasis.
What causes psoriasis?
Psoriasis is caused by a combination of physical and mental factors. Physical causes include wrong food habits, lifestyle, pollution, and protein malnutrition, while mental factors such as stress, anxiety, anger, and hereditary influences also play a role.
How is psoriasis treated in Ayurveda?
Ayurveda treats psoriasis by balancing the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) through Panchakarma therapies like Virechana (detoxification), internal medications, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on addressing the root cause of the disease.
What is the role of Panchakarma in managing psoriasis?
Panchakarma helps in detoxifying the body and restoring balance to the doshas. Therapies like Virechana, Snehana (oleation), and Swedana (sweating) are highly effective in managing psoriasis symptoms and reducing recurrence.
Can psoriasis be cured with Ayurvedic treatments?
While psoriasis is a chronic condition, Ayurvedic treatments aim to manage symptoms, reduce recurrence, and improve the quality of life. With consistent treatment and lifestyle adjustments, long-term relief is possible.
Methotrexate, commonly prescribed for severe psoriasis, can lead to significant side effects like liver dysfunction, respiratory problems, and general toxicity. Ayurveda offers a safer alternative by focusing on natural therapies without such harsh side effects.
What are the different types of psoriasis?
Psoriasis can take various forms, including plaque, guttate, scalp, inverse, erythrodermic, pustular, palmar-plantar, and nail psoriasis. Each type has unique symptoms like scaling, fissures, dandruff-like flakes, or nail pitting.
What is the recommended diet and lifestyle for psoriasis in Ayurveda?
Ayurveda suggests a Pitta-pacifying diet for psoriasis, which includes cooling, easy-to-digest foods. Avoid spicy, oily, and processed foods. Managing stress through yoga, meditation, and avoiding triggers like alcohol and smoking is also important.
What are the psychological symptoms associated with psoriasis?
Patients with psoriasis often experience psychological symptoms such as stress, low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety due to the visible nature of the disease. Ayurvedic treatment also addresses mental health through holistic practices.
How can I prevent psoriasis from recurring?
Following Ayurvedic treatment protocols, maintaining a balanced diet, reducing stress, and avoiding skin irritants and environmental triggers can help prevent psoriasis flare-ups and reduce the frequency of recurrence.