Ayurvedic Hospital in Bhubaneswar
Ayurvedic Hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha is identified by its work culture. Astang Ayurveda, the best Ayurvedic hospital in Odisha believes in ” Hospitality inside hospital”. It is a specialized hospital for joint disease, skin disease and Neuro and spine disease. Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment in Bhubaneswar is made possible at Astang Ayurveda. Similarly Low Back pain treatment in Bhubaneswar is easily available at our Astang Ayurveda Hospital at Bhubaneswar. Astang Ayurveda runs specialized Ayurvedic hospital for Psoriasis treatment, PIVD treatment, MND treatment, Paralysis treatment, sex disease. Ayurvedic Hospital in Bhubaneswar

Call Astang Ayurveda in 0674-2352797/ +7008176012. Email: drapnayak@gmail.com
Astang Ayurveda hospital is situated at MIG 43, Phase 1, Pokhariput BDA Colony, Bhubaneswar. The place is a 10 minutes drive from airport and a 20 minutes drive from railway station.
Pokhariput are is well communicated with the other part of the city by Cabs, Auto, city bus.
Avail Ayurvedic treatment for servical spondylitis , low back pain, PIVD, motor Neuron Disease , Parkinson disease, paralysis(CVA), brain atrophy, ulcerative colitis, piles, acid peptic disease, sciatica, diabetes, migraine, sinusitis, fistula, hair loss, psoriasis, eczema, vitilgo, knee joint pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, myopia, retinitis pigmentosa, cataract, bronchial asthma and Ayurveda panchakarma treatment.
Astang Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital at Bhubaneswar is considered to be the best Ayurvedic hospital Bhubaneswar.
At the inpatient department we do have A/C and non A/C rooms with attached bath room and western style toilet facility. LED TV is there. Treatment rooms are there at each floor. In hospital kitchen is there to provide food.
Pokhariput BDA colny, at the back side of Biju Pattnaik International Airport, Bhubaneswar.
The hospital is managed by a team, competent in hospital, hospitality and management.
You can Contact our Astang Ayurveda hospital at Bhubaneswar, India.
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