Ayurvedic Clinic in Bhubaneswar
Ayurvedic clinic in Bhubaneswar search ends at Astang Ayurveda, MIG 43, Pokhariput BDA Colony, Phase 1, Bhubaneswar. Dr Ambika Prasad Nayak is the head of the ayurvedic clinic. Astang Ayurvedic remains open round the clock. Dr A P Nayak conducts patient examination every day in between 7 am to 1 pm.
Ayurvedic Clinic in Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Call Astang Ayurvedic clinic Bhubaneswar in +919437055021/ 06742352797. Email: drapnayak@gmail.com
Specialized care is taken for joint disease, skin disease, neuro disease at our Astang Ayurveda clinic Bhubaneswar. Personal care, customized patient examination, selected medicines from GMP certified companies, hand made medicines are provided to the patients during the patient care.We provide Ayurvedic treatment for the following diseases at our Ayurveda hospital at Bhubaneswar.
A specious waiting hall with comfortable sofa and chairs is arranged for the patients and their accompanying persons. Well maintained toilet, purified drinking water facility are also available.
Avail Ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylitis , low back pain, PIVD, motor Neuron Disease , Parkinson disease, paralysis(CVA), brain atrophy, ulcerative colitis, piles, acid peptic disease, sciatica, diabetes, migraine, sinusitis, fistula, hair loss, psoriasis, eczema, vitilgo, knee joint pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, myopia, retinitis pigmentosa, cataract, bronchial asthma and ayurveda panchakarma treatment.
Good parking space is available in front of the Astang Ayurveda Hospital.
Guide for first visit – The patient should come with an appointment over telephone. He/ she should come with all the details about his difficulties. Instead of mentioning the name of the disease she/ he should try to put forth his difficulty out of the disease. He may make a list of his complains. He should come with the previous health reports and investigation reports for further reference. After the consultation he may purchase the medicine at the Astang Ayurveda medicine counter. He may be advised for further investigation. The patient has to conduct the test at his comfort in a reliable pathology laboratory. We are ready to serve the patient the best. It will be our pleasure if the patient says Astang Ayurveda is the best Aurvedic clinic in Bhubaneswar.
You can Contact our Astang Ayurveda hospital at Bhubaneswar, India.
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