Ayurveda Body Massage – Types
What are the types of body massage?

Paste massage
- Samvahana: Whole body massage
- Kesha mardana: Head massage
- Utsadana: Massage with kalka(paste).
- According to Tiruka
- Suskanga mardana(Dry massage)
- Tailanga mardana(oil massage)
- Kshiranga mardana(milk massage)
All the massage practiced in Ayurveda are now a days known as Kerla massage.

Milk massage
- Svayamanga mardana(self massage)
- Yamalang Mardana(Synchronised massage)
- From touch point of view…
- Touch
- Stroke
- Friction
- Kneading
- Vibration
- Percussion
- Cupping
- Joint movement
- Effleurage
- Thumb rolling
- Milking
- Plucking

Synchronized massage
At Astang Ayurveda we provide all types of Ayurveda body massage at a very reasonable price. Cleanliness, dedication, skill can be observed during your visit to our wellness department. Trained persons with immense experience and expertization add value to the varieties of massage.
Ayurveda Body Massage
For a quick booking you can Contact our Astang Ayurveda Wellness Centre at Bhubaneswar, India.
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