Tennis elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis is characterized by pain and weakness on external bony bump of the elbow. Tennis Elbow Ayurvedic treatment at Astang Ayurveda Hospital is highly effective. In fact painful weakness of the tendons takes place that connect the fore arm muscles to the bone.
Tennis Elbow Ayurvedic Treatment at Astang Ayurveda
What Causes Tennis Elbow
When a person works his/ her elbow repeatedly in a certain way, his muscle gets tired or fatigue. To compensate the tiredness of the muscle the tendon comes forward to take the load. (Tendon is a muscle part that attaches the muscle to the bone). The overloading may cause inflammation, gradual potential micro tear and degeneration of the tendon. This degenerative condition is called tendinosis.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB) is a muscle of the fore arm that keeps the wrist straight and the palm open. Technically the ECRB keeps the wrist and the fingers extended. Repetitive use of this muscle in certain way (Moving the wrist back ward/ Extension of the wrist) puts pressure over ECRB tendon. ECRB is connected to lateral epicondyle. A sore occurs at the lateral epicondyle giving rise to tennis elbow symptoms.
There are some professions where people have to grip their instruments very tightly. Sometimes the instruments are very heavy. Some players like Sachin Tendulkar carry heavy bat. Also they have to extend their wrist frequently. Carpenter, painter, mechanics using screw driver, cook, breast feeding mother and many more get tennis elbow where the ECRB tendon gets inflamed due to prolonged hyper extension of wrist.
Tennis elbow takes place with people having weak shoulder and wrist muscle. When we use both shoulder and wrist muscle simultaneously repetitively for a long time tennis elbow may take place.
Yoga practice helps to cure many diseases. If we practice Pavan Muktasana in a defective way, we get tennis elbow while twisting both of the wrists simultaneously. If the hands are overweight or very thin, then the problem worsens.
Tennis elbow Symptoms
Tennis elbow causes mild to severe tenderness and pain on outer side of the elbow. The pain gradually increases and radiates to palm too. The pain is experienced on lifting or bending the arm. Even gripping small objects like pen causes pain. Twisting forearm during opening a jar, drying a towel by hand gives rise to pain and tenderness. Raising hand or flexing forearm gives an experience of acute pain. Pain may worsen on repeating the activity of extending (bending back) the wrist. Exposure to cold may increase the pain.
Written by: Dr Ambika Prasad Nayak
Astang Ayurveda is a good choice for Tennis Elbow Ayurvedic treatment. Mob: 9437055021.
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