The highest standard of health care
Opening hours
Astang Ayurveda's Opening hours for both IPD and OPD.
- 24 Hours * 7 Days
- 7am to 1pm
every day
Get in touch
- Plot No: Mig-43, Pokhariput, BDA Colony, Phase-1, Bhubaneswar. Odisha , India

Dr. Ambika Prasad Nayak
“ Basudhaib Kutumbakam”. The whole world is my family and I deserve all rights to bother about my family members’ health. Some of my family members are healthy, some are diseased. I am worried about the ailing brothers and sisters. Equally I am concerned to conserve the good health of the healthy ones.
News & Events
Dr. Ambika Prasad Nayak, Chief Physician of Astang Ayurveda was invited to Pramare News7's live talk show on Breakfast Odisha.....